
Ezra-Nehemiah: A Mentor Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Tiberius Rata, an Old Testament scholar, considers the narrative of the restoration of the Jewish people to its homeland. At the center of these two books of Ezra and Nehemiah are the decrees of two Persian kings, Cyrus and Artaxerxes. We discover a God who is in control of history and the hearts of his people. Yahweh can even work through the lives of secular kings.

proximity to Geshem the Kedarite whose sphere of influence extended to those parts.”5 The Bible clearly teaches that pride is always an obstacle in doing God’s work. “I have too much education to do such a menial job,” is the unfortunate cry that resounds in churches even today. Though these dissenters from Nehemiah’s time were described as nobles, they are in fact low class citizens when it comes to the Kingdom of God and His work. They could not humble themselves and would not serve. They definitely
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